Welcome to Lake James Estates
Thanks for your interest in our friendly lake community. Our location, Board of Directors as well as annual fees are listed below for your review. Also, you can download many of our Official Documents at the bottom of this webpage. We are looking forward to seeing you soon at Lake James Estates!
60 Lane 585A Lake James
Fremont, IN 46737
Mailing Address: PO Box 941 - Angola, IN 46703
PRESIDENT - Julie Kerins (lakejamesestates@gmaiil.com
VICE PRESIDENT - Brad Garton (LJEvicepresident@gmail.com)
TREASURER - Trisha Harlamert (LJEtreasurer@gmail.com)
SECRETARY - Jason Martzall (LJEsecretary@gmail.com)
DOCKMASTER - Brad Garton
WEBMASTER - Karen Martzall
Annual Dues are due on January 1st
Primary Lot $325
Secondary Lot(s) with Residence $325
Secondary Vacant Lot(s) $250
Marina Fees are due on January 1st annually and pay for the following boating season
Annual Maintenance Fee per Dock Assignment $200
Purchase Right to a Dock Assignment $1,100
Limited Availability
What is a Right to a Dock Assignment?
Good Question! To answer this question let’s start with a few basic details. The pier system installed at Lake James Estates is owned by LJEPOA Inc. All Dock spaces are only assigned to Property Owners that have paid a fee to obtain a legal right to moor a boat at the Lake James Estates Marina. Not every lot has a right to a dock assignment. There is a maximum of 1 dock space assigned per lot. If a lot has a right to a dock assignment, they will be given one as per our Dock Assignment Process. Once assigned, they will maintain that assigned dock space every year unless they choose to select another dock space as part of our Dock Change Request process. Property owners can transfer this right to a new LJE Property Owner or surrender it to LJEPOA Inc. If surrendered to LJEPOA Inc., the $1100 fee will be reimbursed upon transfer to the next Property Owner on the Waiting List to Purchase a Right to a Dock Assignment. If there is no one on the waiting list, the Property Owner will have to wait until there is one before they are entitled to their reimbursement.
Title Company Closing Document Request
To receive the information you need for a property sale, please complete the form below
Want more information?
Rules & Regulations
Planning on Building or Remodeling?
Articles of Incorporation